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Unity 2D RULES!!!

After only a week and not much time to look into Unity 2D I must say that I don’t think I’ll ever look at another game engine ever again ๐Ÿ™‚….


After some weeks thinking about life the universe and everything, I’m back. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve spend some time making the basic stuff for a 2D game using Unity. Forcing Unity to….

Unity Draw Call Batching

I was having problems with Unity draw call batching. I’ve started on a small 2d game (Earth Guardian) and had made a small mockup and was already having problems with….

Unity Remote

Got Unity Remote working on my LG E975 mobile phone today, so development time has been drastically shortened. ๐Ÿ™‚ As I’m new to mobile/touch development, I started out with the….

Unity touch input

My first encounter with Unity touch input didn’t go as I wanted it to.. After some failed attempt and a test scene in Unity, it did started to make sense…..

Gastorid, lacking layers.

After testing Gastorid again and again, I don’t find it have the lasting gameplay I’m looking for. A change in game objective might help? But for now I can’t figure….

Zombie Game

As everybody else, I have at least one friend wanting yet another zombie game. So I’ve started making some initial tests for a small fpZs. It is inspired by the….

3×3 final version

Ok, I now regard the 3×3 game as finished. I know I could spend more time polishing is, with better graphics, sound and more depth. But, the entire project started….