A lot is and has happened over the last months, and not much time have been spend on game development. But I have been working on a small android game from time to time.
It’s a small frustrating game, where you are to keep the beach ball in the air and make it hit the seagulls by hitting the beach ball with wather from a super soaker.
Here is what I started out with, and what I ended up with so far.
Started out with a ball on a screen. Had no idea what the game should be about.. Didn’t even know it would become a game.
Then made the ball fall under the influence of gravity, and added a small static cannon capable of shooting small red balls.
Added colliders to the balls, so the red balls could hit the red ball and then, to make a bit of a game out of it, I added some spikes, that killed the yellow ball on impact.
Added some graphics, and changed the mail ball to a beach ball.
At this time I did my small crap animation project, so of cause that was added to the project. I also did the super soaker graphics while trying out different vector based drawing programs and that was added as well.
The red balls was replaced by a water ball/splash texture.
Added a basic score, so each time you hit the beach ball with a ball of water you got a point, and game when the beach ball hit the sand.
I got the idea to add something to hit instead of just having to hit the beach ball, which was to easy.
I wanted to have a really fast game over to new game cycle, so all I wanted was a single start button in the middle of the screen. At first I would have liked to be able to share scores on Facebook, but as I haven’t gotten it to work 100% I discarded it for now. Maybe in a later version.
Just changed some of the background graphics, and added best score to the score display.
Added sand to the beach.
Completely new graphics, made by a nice fellow that I’m teaching to program, and in exchange his making me some pleasant graphics 🙂
New button and font added, that matches the rest of the theme better. The basic font is called Floraless and is made by Daniel Gauthier.
Small but very visual change, I made the score use the new font, by having a bitmap for each number and one for the slash, and then added code to convert the string into an array of the correct sprites.
The last change was the graphics for the crab that now looks a lot more organic and less flat. 🙂
The two thing keeping me from uploading it to the android store is the seagull- and the crap-animation. I will work on the crap animation as soon as everything thats happening in my life right now, settles down a bit.
If you want to try the current (Android only) version of “Beach Fun Seagull Hunt” just click the link below.
Old version April 9th : md5 : aad8aee9879d29ad0e8bf32cc451b097 *Beach-Fun-Seagull-Hunt.apkNew version April 12th : md5 : 5f145660cae4dab6d5c4fea869403f36 *Beach-Fun-Seagull-Hunt.apk
Now go make games! 😉
– Henning
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