3×3 version 10
After feedback from a few testers, thanks to them all, I have made some changes to the game. I have opened the sides of the tunnel and added some stars….
After feedback from a few testers, thanks to them all, I have made some changes to the game. I have opened the sides of the tunnel and added some stars….
Version 8 of 3×3 ready, or should I say Beta version! 🙂 I have used the last days to add a lot of small things to the game, tweaking it,….
Finally I’ve had some time to work on the 3×3 project, which have resulted in a version 7. I’ve added a particle effect with box meshes, for when boxes are removed…..
I’ve heard that. if you don’t like doing something, then don’t do it 🙂 I found that working on the Don’t Fall Asheep project didn’t give me the joy I….
I started the 3×3 game as a POC of an old game idea, but I’m starting to like the game, so I have decided to spend some time adding to….
I just wanted to show how I chose to do the player control script. After playing the game some more, I’ve decided that the game isn’t going to work on….
The POC is really starting to look like a game. 🙂 New things added: New texture. I only use one for all surfaces. Rotation to selected box, to make it….
OK, finally had some time to try some more things out with the 3×3 idea. So now the colored boxes are boxes and not just generated quads, they are clickable….
Yet another game idea. This time, a combined mouse and keyboard racer. The idea is to have a 3×3 colored board coming towards you (the feel should of cause be….
Every new game developer, asking “What’s the best advice when starting game developing?” are often told “Make lots of games” and “Start simple”, so when I saw this small Ludum Dare….