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3×3 version 10

After feedback from a few testers, thanks to them all, I have made some changes to the game. I have opened the sides of the tunnel and added some stars….

3×3 Version 7

Finally I’ve had some time to work on the 3×3 project, which have resulted in a version 7. I’ve added a particle effect with box meshes, for when boxes are removed…..

3×3 POC version 4

The POC is really starting to look like a game. 🙂 New things added: New texture. I only use one for all surfaces. Rotation to selected box, to make it….

3×3 POC version 3

OK, finally had some time to try some more things out with the 3×3 idea. So now the colored boxes are boxes and not just generated quads, they are clickable….

3×3 square game.

Yet another game idea. This time, a combined mouse and keyboard racer. The idea is to have a 3×3 colored board coming towards you (the feel should of cause be….

How simple a game can I make.

Every new game developer, asking “What’s the best advice when starting game developing?” are often told “Make lots of games” and “Start simple”, so when I saw this small Ludum Dare….