Ludum Dare 30 - Connected Worlds
Join us! - by INCD021 aka. Henning.

You don't want to join the red universe, as your physicists have concluded that a wormhole from that universe is incompatible with our laws of physics and their laws will replace ours, and make our universe UNINHABITABLE! Your mission is to prevent their wormhole generators from opening a wormhole, in short, save the universe!
Watch out for highly warped space, it'll drag you in, AND allow your bullets to circle round space, and hit you in the back!

Control game with WASD and space to FIRE!?.
Esc or Q to skip end screen.
Back to INC $D021.

Music, lol ;), and arrows: Posted on 2014-08-24 : 17.25 by Henning

Playing the game, friends would like it harder and more easy. So I added arrows indicating the biggest thread (made it easier), and made the enemies a bit tougher. I'm amazed how much I have done in so little a time. But it has also forces me to accept not having to be perfect, and reviled how productive you can be when you just let the creative juices flow. I also added music or background noise or whatever you would call it.. But "I" made it. =D

Now go make games! :)
- Henning

Polishing and adjusting : Posted on 2014-08-24 : 14.14 by Henning

Looking at the last few check-ins, I can see that there are less huge changes, and more and more smaller once. I have adjusted animations all over. Made spawn-rate faster and faster with shortest interval at 100 sec. No one wants to play the game for hours ;) I tested different bullet sprites, but square white block is still the easiest to see. I would like to make it very obvious that the bullets you get hit by, are your own. :) But I guess people will figure it out, don't have to explain everything to everybody. I'll let the players figure it out for themselves

Now go make games! :)
- Henning

Goooooood morning :) : Posted on 2014-08-24 : 08.31 by Henning

A very productive morning :) I've added enemy death explosion, added score based on time survived, redid the player death animation and the edge inner space gradient, and adjusted the drag at the edges. Now I'll get a shower and some breakfast.

Now go make games! :)
- Henning

Goooooood night: Posted on 2014-08-23 : 22.38 by Henning

Ok, now it's time for bed. Just need a last upload, and my brain is just about fried. Added some sfx, solved healthIndicator on death problem, added healthPacks, added more animation, walls bumps you instead of killing you, enemy spawn rate adjusted, GameController is done, not pretty, but it works.. And a lot more..

Now go make games! :)
- Henning

Script Lifecycle: Posted on 2014-08-23 : 20.22 by Henning

I do a lot of object pooling, and start by disabling the object in same frame as I instantiates them. Didn't know that meant that Start wasn't called. So when I later Activated it in a method in the disabled script and wanted it to play an animation, the reference to the animator isn't there, it is in the next frame.. Found this, Script Lifecycle Flowchart and it show that start can be called from SetActive(true), if it hasn't been called before. As it says "Start: Start is called before the first frame update only if the script instance is enabled", and it wasn't.. Took some precious time.. ;)

Now go make games! :)
- Henning

First upload: Posted on 2014-08-23 : 17.17 by Henning

Time for a break not to go insane. :) I have something plable, but only one enemy, that can't kill you, so not much of an enemy. Now I'll get myself something to eat and think about something else for a short time, and the return with new energy.. I hope :D

Now go make games! :)
- Henning

Font : Posted on 2014-08-23 : 13.33 by Henning

Been working on an enemy and added a bit of animation to give it some life. I have created a small Font using the online font maker bitfontmaker2, its a very simple 5x7 font as simple as I could make it, and only did capital letters. You can work on it by going to the link above and import the following text.


Now go make games! :)
- Henning

Player control : Posted on 2014-08-23 : 11.43 by Henning

I decided to go with the 2d solution and make it a side scrolling shooter. Got a good mockup, and is now able to control the player ship, fire and die. No animation or indication that your dead, other than not beeing able to move, and an explosion sound is played):) Now I need to write the overall gamecontroller script with the different game states. Always the worst, but makes everything nice and controlable. A menu- and game-scene must be the bare minimum.

Now go make games! :)
- Henning

Got name of game : Posted on 2014-08-23 : 08.55 by Henning

I decided on an idea and have come up with a name for the game "Join us!". Like a tread to join a collection of worlds, wanting or not. The idea is to keep the worlds to connect to your world. Problem is that some aspects says 3d and I would like to make it in 2d... Been a while since I worked with 3D in unity...

Now go make games! :)
- Henning

Brainstorm : Posted on 2014-08-23 : 07.09 by Henning

Woke up, had a bath turned on computer and had a look at Ok, so the theme is "Connected Worlds" my, least favorit. :/ Hmm... Brain, what do you say? Can we do it? "Yes!". To the blackboard.! :)

Now go make games! :)
- Henning

Startup scripts : Posted on 2014-08-22 : 11.35 by Henning

As the rules states "Base code and personal code libraries are allowed, but should be declared and shared with the community prior to beginning your entry. To do this, make a blog post." So I'll share the two small scripts that I use in almost everything I do in Unity.
  • AudioController.cs for playing sfx's. I normally use this when I destroy an object that should play a death sfx. I can just play a sound an destroy the object instead of having to keep it in limbo just to play a sound.
  • CameraScript.cs for following player or any other object with damping.
Startup Script That was it.. Rules obeyed :)

Now go make games! :)
- Henning

Target resolution : Posted on 2014-08-21 : 08.46 by Henning

I have locked in target resolution at 960x540(16x9), and plan only to support that resolution/ratio, I don't want to think about all the different aspect ratios when having to create a game in 48 hours.. :)

Now go make games! :)
- Henning